Friday, October 21, 2011

To Begin..

Ok, we all have a love-hate relationship with testing. Don't we? Or is it just me? I mean, I see how it's important.. not for rank, but more for always pushing yourself. Never allowing yourself to become stagnant, stuck, to plateau for too long.

I've been neglectful, again, of this blog-that believe it or not-I do really love. But just like my houseplants, I don't bring the watering can to you often enough. (Hopefully you're more of the cacti variety and haven't wilted much. Ahem.) This time my excuse, besides living life, raising a baby who has now grown into a full time running, climbing, talking toddler, deciding upon a relocation to the other side of the country and all the real estate crapola involved in that, is the aikido-side of my brain has been focused on November. My Shodan test.

It's been a long time coming and I'm really excited and am looking forward to testing. Of course part of me simply can't wait for it to be over. And that part of me is the one that knows there is SO much to know, I can barely be scratching the surface. But for good reason, we look at Shodan as "the beginning." And like all testing, kyu, dan, schoolwork etc.. it's more about the preparation than the test itself. It's all the hours training, studying, and practicing. We love the adrenaline that surges during tests, we hate the nervous stomach that comes along with it. But like most things, you'll walk away having gotten out of it what you put into it.
Hopefully come November 20th, I will have started on my path.
The beginning.

How about you guys? How do you feel about testing?
How does your dojo award rank?
Anyone testing soon and want to share their feelings? I'd love to hear...

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