I think one of the best ways to live your life and keep you always excitedly looking forward to the future, is by daydreaming. Come on, we've all done it.. sitting in math class in 4th grade, thinking about hearing that final bell ring and running home to play outside. Or 10th grade, that really cute boy (or girl) a few rows away. Or as an adult, sitting in a meeting at work, imagining yourself carving some beautiful figure 8's with your skis down a great run in the Rockies. Daydreaming provides the imagination an outlet. Let's you imagine the beauty of what you'd love to have, what you'd love to do. It let's you
One of my favorite daydreams is thinking about the day I have my own dojo. I love to envision it: surrounded and canopied by big old trees, maybe a stream nearby, built from beautiful wood, and wide, wide open. A simple but beautiful structure. No walls..just open air. So you can feel one with nature, bowing in and out, you're bowing to everything around you...feel the breeze as you're training... you feel the 'harmony' in everything, everywhere. You feel empowered, rejuvenated, alive, and that everything and everyone are connected.
I often daydream about my dojo. It makes me happy. Even if I never get around to building this wonderful space, it already exists in my mind. And I love visiting it. If I ever do get around to building it before the ripe-old age I hope I'm intended to live to, I hope you'll all come train with me there. How wonderful that would be.
I thought about including a picture of a similar building, but then it would distract from my vision. Because any picture that I'd include, that building already exists, and has characteristics that may be similar but are also different from the one in my mind. Besides, in reading this entry, you've likely started to imagine what I've described, and including a picture would distract from your ability to imagine.
big old trees, with thick bark and lucious green canopying leaves.
simple strong wooden structure.
no walls.
nearby running creek.